South Carolina Personal Injury Law Blog

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Civil Rights, Verdicts
December 3, 2020

Title IX case against Richland County Sheriff’s Department and Richland County School District 2 Settles for $900,000

Type of Case:  Gross Negligence and Title IX violations against Richland County Sheriff’s Department and Richland County School District 2 on behalf of Jane Doe, a Minor. Injuries Alleged: Jane Doe alleged that Richland County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Jamel Bradley made inappropriate sexual advances, to included unwanted touching and kissing, towards her during her junior…

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Civil Rights, Personal Injury, SCDC, Wrongful Death
May 24, 2018

Evans Moore Law Firm Files Lawsuit on behalf of the Estate of Eddie Gaskins Alleging Wrongful Death as a Result of the Lee Correctional Prison Riot

Today, May 24, 2018, Evans Moore, LLC, along with Rhoad & Rhoad, and the Law Office of Grover Seaton, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the South Carolina Department of Corrections in connection with the Lee Correctional prison riot that took place on April 15, 2018. According to Mr. Gaskins’ death certificate, Mr. Gaskins died from…

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