Insurance Claim Attorneys in Georgetown

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Insurance Claim Attorneys in Georgetown ImageThe aftermath of a car accident comes with a number of issues. Medical bills, physical injuries, lost time at work, emotional trauma, post-traumatic stress, and car repair bills are just a few of the expenses you may face after a car accident. In addition to these issues, your insurance company may make matters worse instead of better in these situations. Especially after spending money each month on car insurance to cover these very situations, you have the right to make an insurance claim after an accident and expect adequate compensation for your losses. Unfortunately, insurance companies do not always do what they should, which may cause more harm than help. They may falsely assert that the accident is your fault despite evidence to the contrary or not give you adequate compensation for the damage incurred, among other scenarios.

If you or a loved one sustained injuries in a car accident and did not receive fair reimbursement from your insurance company, you may be entitled to compensation, and we can help. Here at Evans Moore, LLC, we are passionate about representing victims of car accidents who do not receive the insurance money they deserve. We will fight for you so that you receive the full compensation you need to return to a healthy, functioning, and financially stable life.

Table Of Contents

    Our Insurance Claim Practice Areas

    Insurance Claim Attorneys in Georgetown Image 2Insurance companies may deny their clients claims for many reasons, and the process can be confusing and frustrating. At Evans Moore, LLC, we have experience with a variety of these practice areas and we will navigate this tricky terrain for you. We are experienced with a number of insurance claim practice areas, including claims involving:

    • The uninsured/underinsured status of the other driver
    • The totaling of your car
    • The totaling of the other car
    • Undercompensating for claims
    • Mistaken designation of fault

    Insurance claims can vary greatly by situation and look any number of ways. Even if you do not see your specific case listed above, you may still be entitled to compensation. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Contact Us

    Insurance claims after car accidents can be stressful events that leave their victims without the financial means they need to continue with their life after an accident. At Evans Moore, LLC, we understand the difficulties of fighting these claims and are dedicated to providing effective legal care so you do not have to challenge corporations alone. If you have any questions or want to set up an appointment with an experienced Georgetown insurance claim attorney, please contact us at (843) 995-5000 today.

    Last Updated: October 1, 2024