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South Carolina Failure to Perform Correct Procedure Lawyers

Modern medical procedures from blood transfusions to heart transplants save countless people each year. Precisely because lives are at stake, hospitals have a solemn duty to make sure that they properly carry out procedures and prescribe medicine. When a team of medical professionals at a hospital performs a procedure to treat an ailing patient, we trust in their judgment, their care, and their skill. Tragically, sometimes hospital negligence means that a patient does not receive the correct procedure. This patient may suffer the consequences of that negligence for the rest of their life. Worse, the negligence might result in the patient’s death.

Far too many trusting hospital patients are subject to incorrect medical procedures. Imagine a hopeful woman waiting for a knee replacement surgery that is ultimately performed on the wrong leg. Other patients simply do not receive a much-needed procedure. As the hospital negligence lawyers at Evans Moore, LLC well know, South Carolina law expects hospitals to provide a good standard of care for their patients. When hospitals fail to perform the correct procedure, an innocent person can be seriously hurt. The law demands that liable hospitals provide financial compensation to these patients or their families in order to offset the costs of recovery or death.

Common Procedure Problems Caused by Negligence

Some victims of hospital negligence assume the medical system cannot be held legally responsible for procedure errors. Even as patients live with the discomfort and the costs of someone else’s careless mistake, they think they have no way to hold the hospital liable. Patients tell themselves, “accidents happen,” and they try to deal with their tragedy alone. However, South Carolina law strictly demands that medical professionals take their responsibilities to patients seriously. That means that when a problem arises due to negligence, recklessness, carelessness, or oversight, victims legally deserve financial compensation.

When someone’s life is on the line, a doctor’s negligence or a careless clerical error can have devastating consequences. Some examples of common procedure errors caused by negligence include:

  • Wrong site surgery: A surgeon mistakenly performs a procedure at the wrong spot on the body
  • Incorrect procedure: Due to a clerical error or a doctor’s mistake, a procedure is performed that is not the needed procedure
  • Wrong patient procedure: A prescribed procedure is accidentally performed on the wrong person
  • Missing procedure: A scheduled or prescribed procedure is not performed due to oversight

Any one of these horrible errors can absolutely destroy a life, and hospital negligence laws are in place to ensure that victims can at least receive justice and some monetary recompense.

Contact Us

If you or someone close to you has suffered because of a hospital’s failure to perform the correct procedure, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Our hospital negligence lawyers at Evans Moore, LLC are ready to bring our knowledge and experience to bear on your particular case. Call us at (843) 995-5000 to learn more about your rights and discuss your legal options.

Last Updated: June 20, 2017